
出國留學令人興奮,但申請過程卻相當艱辛。美國研究所的入學方式和台灣相距甚遠;GRE、SOPPersonal History StatementCV、教授推薦信等諸多步驟,時常令台灣同學們感到陌生且繁複。何況英文並非母語,寫起各種重要申請文件時難免感到不順暢或不達意。





  1. 從小接受中英雙語教育,熱愛中英文寫作,在史丹佛大學經常替美國土生土長的同學潤稿。申請研究所時也與許多當地學生互相切磋,更加熟悉申請文件最道地的寫法。
  2. 自 2007 年出國念大學以來,我經常幫朋友修改申請文件,十分了解台灣學生寫作時常遇到的困擾與挑戰,也擅長從不甚順暢的英文中重現作者的原意。
  3. 由於我兼具社會科學與理工的背景,較清楚不同科系的申請文件標準,也能掌握申請文件中有關科學研究經驗的敘述。



  • Ph.D. in Cognitive Science, Stanford University (expected 2016)
  • B.S. with Honors in Symbolic Systems, minor in Creative Writing, Stanford University (2011)
  • GRE (taken in 2010)
    • Verbal: 750 / 800 (top 1%)
    • Math: 800 / 800 (top 4%)
    • Analytical Writing: 5.5 / 6 (top 4%)
    • 117 / 120
  • SAT
    • Critical Reading: 800 / 800 (top 1%)
    • Writing: 780 / 800 (top 1%)
    • Mathematics: 800 / 800 (top 1%)
  • SAT subject test
    • English Literature: 790 / 800 (top 2%)
    • Mathematics II: 800 / 800 (top 15%)
    • Physics: 800 / 800 (top 10%)

SOP 解析: 大綱、初稿、修稿

Statement of Purpose 顧名思義,必須 state 你的 purpose 以及達成目標的條件。內容可分為學術興趣介紹、學術經歷、短中長期目標、欣賞本校系的原因等四大項。其中學術興趣介紹學術經歷最重要。畢竟做過的事情比還沒做過的事情來得具說服力。


  1. SOP 需要一改再改,這是正常的,所以千萬不要因為初稿或是二稿甚至三稿不理想而氣餒。我當初大翻修了八次稿(而且初稿、二稿和三稿基本上是完全不同的文章),自己和指導教授才開始對內容感到滿意。
  2. 每所學校的字數不定,有些學校甚至沒有規定字數,但原則上以兩頁 A4 紙(單行行距,12pt 字體)為準,約 1000 ~ 1500 字。太冗長反而不好。
  3. SOP 是相當正式的文章,切記語氣不可口語化。文法和拼字務必確認無誤
    • 英文正式文章不得用縮寫。 "don't" 應寫為 "do not" 、"I'm" 應寫為 "I am" 、"Prof. X" 應寫為 "Professor X"。
    • 學校名稱除非在美國相當知名(如 MIT 、Caltech 等),不然第一次提起時應寫全名,並在後面加註縮寫("I am currently pursuing my master's degree in Electrical Engineering (EE) at National Taiwan University (NTU).")。第二次開始後就可以用縮寫代稱("My experience at NTU...")。
  4. 開頭和結尾最好能相互輝映,以共同的主題或比喻貫穿。
  5. 每個段落應該有明確的重點。每段最好不要太長,以 150 字左右為佳。
  6. 不要太謙虛有亮麗的表現就勇敢說出來!

寫 SOP 之前請提醒自己,有時看似平凡的經歷也可以變得很偉大,所以勿因善小而不寫。建議你在下筆前先列一張清單,把修過的課、做過的專題當過的助教、參加過的學術活動、聽過教授的鼓勵和讚美都一一寫出來。不只是彙集題材內容,也順便增添一些自信心。這樣會在下筆時有更多靈感。

  1. 我認為 X 是世界上數一數二有趣 / 重要的問題,原因為 Y、Z
    • X 不能太廣(如 "物理"  "生物化學"、 "經濟學"),應具體(如 "天文物理"  "免疫學" 、"產業經濟學")。原則上以系所中的次領域為單位。
    • 除非 X 非常冷僻,不然讀 SOP 的教授不用你解釋應該也能瞭解 X 為什麼重要或有趣,畢竟是同行。但是你仍然應該仔細思考並闡述 X 你而言為什麼有趣,因為教授必須知道你能獨立思考並對主題懷抱熱情,而不是懞懂地跟著趨勢走。
  2. 我從大學 / 高中 / 呱呱落地時就因為覺得 X 有趣,所以修了 OOO 課、做了&&& 專題、當了 ### 課助教,以滿足我對 X 的好奇心。
    • 描述學術經歷時,每段應分別細部解說 OOO、&&&、### 經驗如何協助你了解 X。
    • 描述研究經驗時,務必強調你的研究對 X 有什麼貢獻。不要光說自己學到了什麼技能,也不要說指導教授教你做了什麼,而應強調你自己主動做了些什麼、想出什麼點子。
    • 由於研究經驗相當重要,建議著重在形容專題或是報告相關的經驗。教學經驗(如助教、家教等)也頗重要,因為表示你具有和別人討論學術議題的動機與能力。詳細的修課內容或是社團經驗較次要,因為畢竟每個大學生都有機會修課所以不稀奇,但不是每個大學生都有機會或興趣做專題研究。
  3. 我在做 &&& 專題的同時,就發現我若想要徹底發揮對 X 的熱情,就必須念研究所,才能深入探討 X 的 ab、c 特性。我希望在念研究的時後能做 @@@ 方面的研究,以探討 a、b、c。
    • 接下來描述進入研究所後的短中長期目標,但不必太細節,只要讓教授知道你進入 program 後預期的大致方向即可。
  4. 貴校對於做 @@@ 有相當豐富的資源。尤其甲教授的 * 研究、乙教授的 ^ 研究、丙教授的 $ 研究,都和我的興趣相關。因此我認為就讀貴校一定能協助我達成探討 X 的目標。 
    • 每所學校最好找到 2 ~ 3 位研究與你興趣相近的教授,並大致了解其重要研究發現。切記不要太奉承,因為聽得出來,也不要太籠統。例如 "It is my dream to work with Professor A because his research is extremely well-known and important." 說了等於沒有說。 不如說 "I am fascinated by Professor A's work on X and his finding that..., which I believe has important implications for @@@."
在寫大綱的時候,切記除了整篇文章需有 purpose 之外,每一個段落也都應有自己明確的 purpose。所以建議每一段落的開頭都能有一句清楚闡述段落重點的文字。這樣讀者在讀每段的開頭時就能看到重點,就算沒有很仔細的讀也能感受到你言之有物。


接下來,填入段落內容。請參考 SOP 範例解析。先不用太在意用詞優不優美、文法是否正確等等。可以從最好寫的段落開始(例如描寫學術經驗不需要太有創意,平鋪直敘就好),把較難下筆的段落(例如首段)留到最後寫。






SOP 解析: 範例

我的 SOP 離完美有很長的距離,絕對不是典範。我幫朋友修改 SOP 的過程中也看過許多篇修稿後比這篇深刻 impressive 許多的文章。但畢竟我還是最瞭解自己寫的 SOP ,所以以它當做例題逐段解析。

紫色字是我認為每段的重點綱要,而綠字是重點細節。另外黃色底的字是比較 "強勢" *的詞句,也是台灣學生常因過於謙虛或委婉而較少使用的句型。可多參考利用。



我對認知科學中的語言領域感興趣,因此開宗明義就這麼說了,再細部舉出覺得特別有趣的議題。我以 "puzzle" 為衣,以示探索語言的結構與功能是完成認知科學拼圖的關鍵。

My goal is to uncover the complex relationship between humans and language through research in Cognitive Psychology. This relationship has many layers—from how we learn to map meanings onto words and sentences, to how language shapes thought and the ways we reason about the world, to how we interpret ambiguous utterances or understand a novel metaphor. The various pieces of language fit together to form a puzzle of human intelligence. It is my goal to gain a deeper knowledge of this puzzle and to find the pieces that help complete it.

第二段:學術興趣介紹 +學術經歷

I grew up in Taiwan and attended Chinese-speaking schools, where I learned nuances of the English language by reading outside of the classroom. Masterpieces composed in both Chinese and English exposed me to the power of language and the creative mind. This power pushed me throughout my undergraduate career to understand the unique human abilities that drive communication and culture. I enrolled in an intensive humanities program called Structured Liberal Education and minored in Creative Writing. However, what brought me closest to the heart of language were my classes in psychology and linguistics. Through areas such as linguistic meaning and how language shapes thought, my fascination with language expanded from literature to fundamental questions about cognition. I majored in Symbolic Systems with a concentration in Cognitive Science, and my background in psychology, linguistics, computer science, philosophy, and literature provided me with a broad perspective as well as tools to further my understanding of language through research.



I initiated a research project during my sophomore year that tested factors affecting perceived writing quality in English and Chinese. Under Professor R’s guidance, I examined how people with different reading habits evaluate the writing quality of literary and expository texts. We found that people who read more literary writing have a more nuanced sensitivity to linguistic distributions, which allows them to distinguish between subtle word choice differences in literary writing. This finding suggests that experience may shape specific mental representations of language. Furthermore, reading literature enriches our language skills by exposing us to different types of linguistic distributions. This research was published in the proceedings of the C conference, and I presented our findings at the P meeting.

My experience conducting independent research made me eager to do more. I am currently working on my honors thesis under the guidance of Professors J and BIn my thesis, I use methods in computational linguistics and cognitive psychology to examine how poetry manipulates readers’ expectations to create sensations of beauty. I am in the process of developing a Bayesian model of literary aesthetics, which detects “regions of beauty” in poetry by identifying surprising words followed by words that resolve the surprise. I will also conduct behavioral experiments to test the effects of reading poetic metaphors, my hypothesis being that metaphors perceived as more beautiful will produce stronger metaphoric associations.

In addition to these two projects, I worked at Professor R's C lab for two years, where contributed to studies on language learning and categorization by conducting literature reviews, writing research synopses, and analyzing data. I also worked with Professor J and the Stanford N Group to examine how humans and machine syntactic parsers process difficult sentences. To gain more skills in computational linguistics, I was a research intern at the 20XX L Workshop at J University, where I worked on A with an international team of researchers. modeled duration distributions of audio signals and designed novel features that significantly improved state-of-the-art s performance. Through these experiences, acquired the technical skills and theoretical background to conduct interdisciplinary research in language and cognition.


While my desire to contribute to scholarship pushes me to further my abilities through research, the excitement of sharing knowledge motivates me to teach. I was a teaching assistant for Introduction to Psychology during my sophomore year, and received an Undergraduate Student Teaching Award as well as excellent teaching evaluations. I am currently an Advising Fellow for the Symbolic Systems Program. I enjoy mentoring new students and introducing them to the exciting field of cognitive science. Together, my research and teaching experiences have shaped my career aspirations. I hope to become a professor in order to pass on the joy of learning and advance new generations of ideas in cognitive psychology.


形容進入研究所後希望探索的研究主題。作研究 knowing how to ask the right questions 很重要,所以我選擇用問句闡述研究興趣。

As I pursue research in a Ph.D. program and beyond, I plan to apply behavioral and computational methods to the study of language. My interests in language, cognition, and literature converge in questions such as, how do metaphors in different languages affect the ways people speak, write, and think? How do people reason about characters and events in fictional worlds and adopt new premises that override those in reality? How can our attraction to certain rhetorical or literary devices inform our knowledge of language processing, or help us analyze “good writing” computationally? I believe that metaphor, fiction, and rhetoric can give us insight into general cognitive functions such as how we find associations between concepts, reason about other people’s goals and intentions, and learn to communicate effectively by exploiting linguistic patterns and structures. I am also more broadly interested in combining behavioral experiments and computational models to examine the mechanisms behind cognitive phenomena.

I am drawn to Stanford’s Ph.D. program in Cognitive Psychology by the faculty members’ exciting and innovative research. Professor B’s research reveals fundamental relationships between language and thought, which is closely connected to my interest in metaphors across languages. I hope to continue working with Professor B on poetic metaphors and extend the research to my native language in Chinese. I am very interested in Professor G’s research on computational models of cognition, in particular his work on how beliefs about others’ intents affect our reasoning about causality. I am interested in how these findings may apply to inferences we make in order to understand fictional narrative. I am also fascinated by Professor F’s research on statistical learning mechanisms in language acquisition. As a Symbolic Systems student, I experienced the enthusiasm and creativity of faculty members at Stanford’s Psychology Department. I believe that my interdisciplinary interests and background would contribute to the department, and feel certain that this is an environment in which I would grow.

強調我研究語言和認知的強烈動機。另外再次提出 "puzzle" 的比喻,和首段輝映。

The beauty and importance of language have driven me to understand it through literature, cognition, and their synthesis through research. I look forward to continuing this journey to fill in the missing pieces in the puzzle of human intelligence. Thank you very much for your consideration.

修稿項目: Statement of Purpose

Statement of Purpose (SOP) 的目標有三大項,缺一不可。詳細的 SOP 指導請參考我的 SOP 解析:
  1. WHY you want to be in the program: 表達為何對某主題或系所感興趣。
  2. WHAT you have done to be qualified for the program: 陳述過去修課研究、教學、工作或是學術活動經驗,以表示自己有足夠的背景和能力從事碩士或博士班等級的研究。陳述經驗時應具體並掌握細節,不應籠統片面。
  3. HOW you plan to use the resources offered by the program: 描述未來志向並解釋此 program 為何特別適合您,以表示自己有足夠的前景和熱情在系所中發光發亮。描述未來研究方向雖然應該要具體,但不應太細節,以免教授認為狹隘或不合適。
        每所學校對 SOP 的字數限制不一,請詳閱各系所的規定。修稿費用依初稿字數訂定
        • 作業時間每一次修改須五天 。每一篇文章須經過四次修改才能定稿。建議您至少在申請截至日期前二到三個月寄初稿給我,進行一到四修。
        • 修稿費用:
          • 1000 字以下 500 USD
          • 1000 - 1500 字 550 USD
          • 1500 - 2000 字 600 USD
          • 若文章中有一段落針對不同學校有不同的內容,每加一所學校加收 100 USD。由於 SOP 應強調您為何對某學校情有獨鍾,強烈建議針對各學校特製一段落。
        • 服務內容:
          • 一修:收到您的初稿,我會提供整體結構或是內容上的建議,大致不會動文句本身或修改文法。我會誠實告訴您初稿離標準多遠,需要大改還是小改,並給您內容上具體的建議。寄回後,希望您依據建議修改內容。
          • 二修:針對一修時我給的建議,您可以提出問題並告訴我您在修改時遇到的困難。我會盡力依據您的困擾提出想法或解答。我會開始修改文句,使文法正確流暢。寄回後,希望您確認我改的文字和結構有保留您的原意。
          • 三修:修改過後的文字若有失原意,請標示清楚並描述您想表達的意思。我會再照您的意思修改,寄回請您確認。
          • 四修:四修為定稿。我會著重修改文字細微的部分,盡量使其無懈可擊。
        • 注意事項:請在文章開頭標明申請的學校系所以及字數限制。若有希望加強的段落也忙煩標明。
        • 收費方式:收到您的文章後,將 email 回覆收費方式。

        修稿項目: Personal History Statement

        部分國外研究所規定須寫 Personal History Statement。若 SOP 的目標為表明 why, what, 和 how, 那麼 Personal History Statement 的目標便為陳述 who,也就是您的個人歷史和特色。學校大部分希望看到的內容包含:
        1. 您為何喜歡學習、熱愛研究?
        2. 您在求學的過程中遇過什麼樣的困難或啟發迫使您有今天的成就和志向?
        3. 您期許自己的研究對社會造成如何正面的影響?

        每所學校對 Personal History Statement 的字數限制不一,請詳閱各系所的規定。修稿費用依初稿字數訂定

              • 作業時間每一次修改須五天 。每一篇文章須經過四次修改才能定稿。建議您至少在申請截至日期前二到三個月寄初稿給我,進行一到四修。
              • 修稿費用:
                • 1000 字以下 400 USD
                • 1000 - 1500 字 450 USD
                • 1500 - 2000 字 500 USD
              • 服務內容:
                • 一修:收到您的初稿,我會提供整體結構或是內容上的建議,大致不會動文句本身或修改文法。我會誠實告訴您初稿離標準多遠,需要大改還是小改,並給您內容上具體的建議。寄回後,希望您依據建議修改內容。
                • 二修:針對一修時我給的建議,您可以提出問題並告訴我您在修改時遇到的困難。我會盡力依據您的困擾提出想法或解答。我會開始修改文句,使文法正確流暢。寄回後,希望您確認我改的文字和結構有保留您的原意。
                • 三修:修改過後的文字若有失原意,請標示清楚並描述您想表達的意思。我會再照您的意思修改,寄回請您確認。
                • 四修:四修為定稿。我會著重修改文字細微的部分,盡量使其無懈可擊。
              • 注意事項:請在文章開頭標明申請的學校系所以及字數限制。若有希望加強的段落也忙煩標明。
              • 收費方式:收到您的文章後,將 email 回覆收費方式。

              修稿項目: CV

              CV為學術履歷,是相當重要的文件。可透過網路參考常見格式,如 Cornell 提供的CV 說明。CV 應讓人一目了然,內容豐富而簡潔。台灣學生寫 CV 時文句往往過於冗長,或因謙虛而不夠直接了當,沒有掌握包裝 CV 的秘訣。

              • 作業時間五天 
              • 修稿費用:300 USD
              • 服務內容:將文句修改順暢加強文句的語調和氣勢,並針對排版和內容提出建議。
              • 注意事項:若有希望加強或有疑問的段落請特別標注。
              • 收費方式:收到您的文章後,將 email 回覆收費方式。